Gaggenau AW240191manual


Gaggenau AW240191 manual

User manual for the Gaggenau AW240191 in English. This PDF manual has 32 pages.

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Gaggenau AW240191 manual

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8 DE Congratulations on your new smart appliance with Home Connect, designed to simplify your life and make it more enjoyable.* Home Connect helps you to manage your home appliances with ease and comfort, providing a variety of functions beyond simple remote control. The Home Connect app gives you important and useful information about your home appliance, allowing you to customize and trigger certain functionalities and actions. Furthermore, the app offers support on how to properly maintain your home appliance and also inspires with a variety of recipes. Explore our ecosystem of partners and gain even more functionalities and services. Home Connect opens up a world of possibilities exceeding your expectations of a home appliance. The availability of the Home Connect function depends on the availability of Home Connect services in your country. Home Connect services are not available in every country. You can find more information on this at Welcome to the connected home!

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9 EN Explore: With the Home Connect app you can. Manage your appliance In the app’s appliance section you have an overview of your connected home appliances, offering a variety of functions beyond simple remote control. Monitor the home appliance’s progress, change or pause programs, change settings, trigger actions, and receive notifications. Be inspired The recipe section provides a variety of inspiring recipes, tips and videos, that will make cooking and baking even more enjoyable. Get support The service section gives helpful information on how to maintain and operate your home appliance properly. Discover even more benefits We are constantly expanding our ecosystems of partners. Please refer to for an overview of all partners. Let’s get started: What you need 1 | Your extractor hood must be installed properly and plugged in. 2 | A smartphone or tablet equipped with a current version of iOS or Android operating system. 3 | Your extractor hood within the Wi-Fi signal of your home network. 4 | The name of your Wi-Fi network (SSID) and its password (key). 5 | This installation guide. Important Information: Data security: Home Connect values customer data, ensuring the transfer of data is encrypted. Home Connect utilizes a variety of security measures, which are periodically reviewed. For further information visit Appliance safety: To ensure safe operation of your appliance with Home Connect functionality, please consult the safety information in the appliance instruction manual.

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10 EN Step 2: Connect your extractor hood to your home network 1 | Your extractor hood must be installed properly and plugged in. 2 | Open your Home Connect app to add your extractor hood. 3 | Please follow the directions in the app and refer to this guide only when prompted to by the app. Information: We are constantly working to improve the Home Connect app, which may lead to differences in the setup steps. Please rely on the instructions in the latest version of the Home Connect app to guide you through the setup process. Step 1: Download the Home Connect app and create a user account 1 | Open the App Store (Apple devices) or Google Play Store (Android devices) on your smartphone or tablet. 2 | Search for «Home Connect» in the Store and install the app. Home Connect app: 3 | Open the app and register yourself so that you can create a Home Connect user account. 4 | Make a note of your Home Connect access data (user account and password) – you will need this later. D DThe app will take you through the necessary steps for linking your appliance with Home Connect. If necessary, the app will refer to these instructions.

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11 EN Step 2.1: Connect your extractor hood to your home network with WPS Please enter step 2.1 only when prompted to by the app. The following steps describe operations at the home appliance itself. Note: To connect the extractor hood to your home network, the hood and the light must be switched off. You can cancel the process at any time by pressing . 1 | Press and hold the symbol on your extractor hood until it starts flashing. 1 2 | Press 1 to start automatic login to your home network. 2 D DThe LED for fan setting 1 and flash. 3 | Activate the WPS function on your home network router within the next 2 minutes. D DIf connection to the home network is successful, and the LED for fan setting 3 flash. D DThe app will get notified once your extractor hood has been successfully connected to your Wi-Fi network. 4 | Follow the instructions in the app. Information: If the connection could not be established within 2 minutes, make sure your extractor hood is within the range of your Wi-Fi network. For some appliances the WPS mode is also called «automatic mode».

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12 EN Step 2.2: Connecting the extractor hood to your home network, step by step Follow the instructions in Step 2.2 only if the app tells you to. The following steps set out how to perform this operation on the appliance itself. Note: To connect the extractor hood to your home network, the hood and the light must be switched off. You can cancel the process at any time by pressing . 1 | Press and hold the symbol on your extractor hood until it starts flashing. 1 2 | Press 2to start manual login to your home network. 2 D DThe LED for fan setting 2 and flash. D DThe appliance will open a temporary Wi-Fi network, «Home Connect», for a few minutes with the password «HomeConnect». Using this temporary Wi-Fi network, the app will transfer the name (SSID) and the password of your home network to the extractor hood, thereby enabling the extractor hood to connect to your home network. D DIf connection to the home network is successful, and the LED for fan setting 3 flash. 3 | Follow the instructions in the app.

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13 EN Information: For some appliances the step-by-step mode is also called «SAP mode» or «manual mode». If the step-by-step mode does not work please check: — Your appliance is in the range of the Wi-Fi network. — Your smartphone/tablet is connected to your home Wi-Fi network. — Your smartphone/tablet and appliance are connected to the same home Wi-Fi network. Step 3: Connecting the extractor hood to the Home Connect app Follow the instructions in Step 3 only if the app tells you to. The following steps set out how to perform this operation on the appliance itself. 1 | Press and hold the symbol on your extractor hood until the LED for fan setting 3 and start to flash. 1 2 | Follow the instructions in the app. D D stops flashing on the display’s control panel. The login process is now complete. Information: If the connection could not be established make sure your smartphone/tablet is within range of your Wi-Fi network.

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Home Connect opens up a world of possibilities, exceeding your expectations of a home appliance. To learn more about smart home appliances with Home Connect and our partner ecosystem, visit Home Connect is a service provided by Home Connect GmbH. Apple App Store and iOS are trademarks of Apple Inc. Google Play Store and Android are trademarks of Google Inc. Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. If you have any questions or would like to contact the Home Connect service hotline, please visit us at Installation instructions in other languages can be found under «Home Connect» in the instruction manual supplied with your home appliance. *9001230071* de, en, es, fr, it (9804) 9001230071

Brand: Gaggenau Product: exhaust hoods Model/name: AW240191 Filetype: PDF Available languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian
